Shortly after I was saved I would find myself rocking back and forth when I prayed, especially when I was seeking God about something with my whole heart. What fun it was recently to discover it is an old Jewish way of prayer called ‘davening.’ “It is ‘getting lost in communion with God while reciting texts or intense prayer,” my Bible notes recorded, “a part of meditating on His word.”

Once I needed to know if I should spend money we didn’t have to visit two of my children with their children, ministering in South Africa. After ‘davening,’ God said, “Go, I will provide the money. My husband agreed and off I went. The second day there he called to say he had received a bonus, (the only one they ever gave out.) It was almost the exact amount of my plane ticket.”

To this day I often find myself davening, or in some way moving about, usually while praying in the Spirit for a pressing need. I find that God is true to His word in Jeremiah 33:3. “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty (isolated and inaccessible), things you do not know.”

” His secret counsel is with the upright.”  Proverbs 3:32

“Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, it is laying hold of His willingness.” Martin Luther