My heart felt heavy. I couldn’t get past that I said a careless word that hurt my friend. I asked forgiveness for being so insensitive and she lovingly forgave me. Why can’t I let it go? I determine to forgive myself and go on, but guilt, my old nemesis, nags at my soul.”Now what will people think of you? You really blew it, and on and on.

          Please wash me, Lord, of this people-pleasing mentality and image of spiritual maturity I try so to uphold. Psalm 17 spoke to my wavering soul. Vs 1 affirmed my cause is just, I am truly sorry, my lips are not lying. Vs 3 God has looked into my heart and found nothing not confessed, no justifying my actions, and that I have purposed that my mouth bring it in sincere truth.

          Why do I hold so tight to a need to be accepted and loved by all, to hide my flaws and humanity from everyone but You, Lord? Is it because I know You love me just as I am in spite of all You see and know? That You see me through Jesus?

          My past shaped me into who I am, but I am so grateful You are transforming me into Your image, from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord.(2 Cor.3:18) I haven’t arrived but I am on the journey. Thank You, Lord

          Hebrews 4:16 Come boldly into the throne of grace and find mercy and help in time of need.

          If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek His grace. Max Lucado