Fourteen months after my husband’s death and still troubled with regrets l hadn’t done all I could have for him during his last months on earth, I often prayed for God’s insight. Ken would have held nothing against me, I was his love. I asked God to forgive me, and I know He did, but forgiving myself for not being more attentive to his unspoken needs, for more time by his bedside, more reading him the Scriptures, or praying for him, didn’t come easily.

          I knew I had to forgive myself and let it go, but regrets continued to taunt me. A friend suggested I stop judging myself and I knew it was right, pride was messing with a desire to be perfect in my own strength. By faith I had chosen to forgive myself, but regrets continued to badger. What was I to do with this persistent anguish?

          One morning a devotional spoke to my heart It said the blood of Jesus has removed everything you wish wasn’t true about you, including regrets and that it was His doing not mine. He opened my eyes to see and believe regrets were part of His forgiveness plan. My heart soared as I finally got it! I envisioned myself laying those regrets at the foot of the cross where His blood covered them, and they were swept away forever.

           I thank the Lord for this personal revelation sent to free me once and for all time. And praise to Him who bled and died to cover everything the enemy uses to condemn. May our hearts be open to all Christ finished at the cross.

The Lord opens the eyes of the blind Psalm 146:8