Turn your phone/computer off and leave it off for at least fifteen seconds. When you tv fails and you can’t get a signal, unplug it for at least fifteen seconds before you try it again. Lord, right now I am unplugging the failures of my past that have sprung up to pull me down. I can’t change them or go back…there are no “do-overs.”

          But there is forgiveness and assurance of Your constant love. And hope, because Your word says You are transforming me into Your image, from glory to glory. How I treasure the memory of that first glory that fell the day You became my Lord, and somewhere I read that the second glory is the “absolute, majestic, perfection residing in Jesus Christ. To know I have become the mirror image of Him in Your sight is something I cannot fathom but accept, because You said it was true. So, I’m back Lord. Rebooted. My confidence in Your faithfulness is fully restored and once again I receive Your “signals” and overcome the old me.

“…being transformed into the same image from glory to glory… 2 Corinthians 3:18